Friday, April 4, 2008

Are Affiliate Programs Good Business Opportunities?

Affiliate programs are great business opportunities, as well as a great business idea. Here’s the scoop. You join an affiliate company and they give you a unique URL called an, "Affiliate Link," that only you have. When people click on your affiliate link it not only takes them to your affiliate website but it also alerts the affiliate company that you directed this person to their website. Now if that person makes a purchase you will be paid a commission as a reward for generating business for that company. Commissions can be as high as 75%! Does that sound exciting to you? If so read on!
How can you find an affiliate program? There are literally 1000's of websites eager for new affiliates. One way is to do a search for, "affiliate programs" using a search engine such as Google. Another way is to join ClickBank. ClickBank works with 100's of affiliate companies. After you join ClickBank, You then choose from a list affiliates ClickBank is affiliated with. You then promote an affiliate link that is a combination of ClickBank’s and whatever affiliate site you are promoting. ClickBank then pays you instead of the company you are an affiliate for. You can also find a link usually labeled, "affiliates" on websites that have affiliate programs. You will usually find this link at the very bottom of the homepage in very small text size.
Depending on which Affiliate program you join they will pay you weekly, biweekly, monthly or bimonthly but most often biweekly or monthly. They will usually give you the option of how you will get paid via company check or Electronic Bank Transfer. I prefer Electronic Bank Transfer because payment is immediate and you don’t have to worry about your check getting lost or stolen.
The greatest thing about running an affiliate business in my opinion is this. When you run a business, any business whether it is internet based or not, you must deal with a host of things including, but not limited to, inventory, storage, packing, shipping, complaints, returns, phone calls, emails, checks and credit cards just to name a few. When you’re an affiliate, "they" take care of all of that for you! Your only job is to advertise for them. Once you have directed someone to your affiliate website via your affiliate link your job is done. They will take over from there. What could be a sweeter deal?!
Advertising your affiliate link can be accomplished in a number of different ways. Google AdWords is one way. Article submission is another way. There are 1000's of Article submission sites where you can submit your articles to for free. As an example you can check out, IdeaMarketers. Click on the link at the upper right part of their homepage entitled, "Learn How This Site Works." There are a number of ways you can find other article submission sites far too numerous to approach here, so I will only say that one way is to do a search using any search engine and typing in, "Article Submission Sites." Another way to allow your affiliate link to be made known to the world is through discussion forums. One of the best out there is the forum. Discussion forums allow you to attach a signature file to the bottom of all your posts, where you may include your affiliate link.
All right. We’ve discussed all of the exciting aspects to joining an affiliate program like receiving commissions as high as 75%, not having to deal with inventory, storage, packing, shipping, complaints, returns, phone calls, emails, checks or credit cards etc., getting paid most often biweekly or monthly and usually having your choice of payment via check or Electronic Bank Transfer. We also discussed, how to advertise your affiliate link using little or no money. Now it is up you. Dose having an affiliate business sound good to you? If so find, join, and promote your affiliate business and/or businesses using the techniques discussed here. And remember, affiliate programs are fabulous business opportunities as well as a great business idea!
Bill Jason, "The Affiliate King," is the owner of A home based business ideas and opportunities website that helps people make money with their own home based business. To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit
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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

5 Tips To Making Sure That Your eBook Makes Money (Before You Write A Single Word!)

The first thing potential clients ask me is “Can I really make money writing an ebook?” And the answer is absolutely, IF you do the research, find out what people want and give it to them.The problem is that most people get so excited about an idea that is of interest to them that they just sit down and write. They don’t stop to consider whether anyone else will be interested in the subject, let alone want to purchase an ebook about it! So they just write it and then they go looking for customers to buy it. When in fact, they should find the market first and then write the ebook.Failing to do this can be a recipe for disaster. It makes no sense to waste time and energy on something that nobody wants to buy if you want to be a successful ebook author! But if you really listen to what people want and give it to them you can reap large financial gains.So how do you do it?There are several ways to find out which ebook subjects will be profitable for you and here are 5 tips to get you started.
1. Ask your customers and potential customers what they want.If you belong to a networking group, an association, or if you have a subscriber list, you can ask people what they want. Most people are more than happy to tell you! You can make it easy for them by creating an offline or online survey or doing an ask campaign. You can get the software to do your ask campaign at What you want to do is ask people what they want and this program will analyze the data for you and give you the results you need quickly and easily.
2. Hang out where your target market hangs out and listen to what they are talking about.Then try to figure out how you can take what you are passionate about and interested in, and tie it to what people want to know more about and need a solution to. Then create your ebook around that subject.
3. Look for trends: see what’s hot and then find a way to capitalize on it. It’s easy-there are trends all around you! You just have to have your antenna up and be on the lookout.Talk to your kids. Look at magazines, newspapers, go to the mall, get creative.
4. Eavesdrop.Of course you want to be discreet! But eavesdropping can be extremely lucrative!People talk about what problems they are having in restaurants, over coffee, in the Laundromat, or while they are shopping with friends (to name a few places you can listen for ideas). People talk about their parents, kids, and their love relationships. You might just hear something that sparks a great idea for your ebook!
5. Do a keyword search. This will tell you what keywords people are searching on. When you know what keywords people are looking up it can often times tell you what the problems are that they want solved. There are several ways to find out what people want. Once you tap into what they want you can write an ebook that has the potential to make a substantial profit.So don’t waste time guessing what to write about. Be a detective, do the research, find out what people want, and make sure that your next ebook is a cash machine for your business before you write a single word! (c) Ellen Violette, The eBook Coach, a subsidiary of Create A Splash- All Rights Reserved Reference Box MUST be used when using the article in your publication. This is the reason the authors offer these articles to the public for publication.
If you want to write a profitable ebook, do the research before you start writing your ebook and find out what your target market wants to buy. Too many people make the mistake of writing what excites them instead; this article will show you how to write an ebook that will make you money.
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How to Profit From Internet Article Marketing

Internet marketing is defined as a type of advertising which businesses engage in by circulating short articles.Internet article marketing works very well. Did you ever think about why there have been a lot of article directories appearing everywhere on the internet for the past year? Internet article marketing is a wonderful way to get lots of interested traffic to your blog or website. By using articles to market your site, you'll save lots of money by not having to spend money on advertising services.If your niche is very competitive, your costs can begin to add up fast. Sometimes you'll tally up your finances and find that you have a negative ROI. This is easily avoided by using internet article marketing.By using article marketing, you can become a known expert in your particular niche(s).Article marketing builds lots of incoming back-links for your website from all over the internet.How Does Internet Article Marketing Work?As you are aware, the WWW is made of many websites. All of these sites contain "content". People are usually searching for content around a specific subject. This information is found usually by the use of a search engine. Search engines go out and crawl the internet, visiting each page. The search engines then digest this content and index it by using the descriptions and content found on each page.By carefully indexing and cataloging the information that they found when crawling the web, the search engines give you the best information they have which is related to the subject that you were searching for. The content that the search engines find has to be accurate, fresh, and closely relate to whatever term was searched for. Articles, if well written, are considered an invaluable source of information from which to draw.If a website is to keep it's visitors returning on a regular basis, the webmaster must provide their visitors with interesting, timely, and accurate information. These factors are vitally important for someone who maintains a website or blog on a daily basis. If the webmaster wants to climb high and remain there in the search results for his particular niche, he has to post new information to his site every day.As I'm sure you are aware, you need to post everyday to your website, and this can gobble up alot of your valuable time. As a webmaster, you can supplement the content on your site with quality, well-written articles authored by other people. The only requirement is that you leave the author's resource box intact including keeping the links live if that is how they were when you retrieved the article from the article directory.What is an Article Directory?An article directory is a website that contains a wealth of articles in one large database. These articles are categorized by topic. Authors can post their articles there. Publishers (such as bloggers, and other webmasters) can find free articles relevant to whatever their website is about. Article directories contain a vast array of information on almost every niche that you could think of, and probably several that you never thought of.There are specialized article directories which only accept articles that are written about certain niches such as internet marketing, women's health issues, or even computer technology. The only thing that you need to do is read their submission rules and find out what is allowed and what isn't. Most of the large article sites allow you to submit your article on most any subject as long as it doesn't promote violence or hate speech and other things like that. It's always up to the website owner what he or she permits. They have the final word.What Do I get in Return For Giving My Articles To An Article Directory?At the end of each article there is a place where the author can place his or her 'resource box'. This resource box contains a short blurb of one or two sentences about the author as well as a sentence or two with a link embedded pointing them to the blog, or website of the author for more information regarding the subject that the article was written about.When you submit your articles to an article directory, you'll gain many benefits. Not only will you get free marketing from it, you'll also get lots of exposure.Research is ImportantLike any facet of marketing, internet article marketing is no different. You just have to research the subjects of your articles. You can do this research by simply looking at and visiting and reading forums which center around your subject. Pay attention to what people are "talking about". Now that you have chosen your topic, or probably several of them to write about, it shouldn't be too hard to be able to write an article which is between 250-750 words.I've Written My Article, Now What?First thing to do is to post your article on your website or blog. Wait a couple of weeks to a month until your article has been indexed in the search engines. You'll be able to tell by searching for your article title in quotation marks. After you find it, it's alright to submit it to the article directories. This is the way to do it in order to minimize chances of any duplicate content penalties.Wait a month? Are you Serious?There is a new way right now of writing and submitting your articles to your own website or article directory, as well as about 700+ as of this writing. Each article directory is submitted a unique, well written version of your article. This provides well written , non-duplicate versions of your article eliminating worries of duplicate content. This is called the Unique Article Wizard, and right now it's so confidential that I can't tell you about it here. I had to sign an agreement with the creator promising that I would not discuss the methods in detail. Check my resource box for more information.
James Comer is a freelancer who writes articles about things that are interesting to him on the net. Discover a 100% legitimate way to TOTALLY DOMINATE your niche. Go now to here to get your own unique version of this article from the unique articles Articles Submissions Service
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25 Free Tips for Marketing your Blog

With so many blogs being created every day, it’s a mystery to many bloggers how to make their blog stand out. It’s simple. People want to read good content, and with good content comes ad revenue. Well, maybe it’s not that easy… We’ve finally unleashed the secrets of successful blog marketing. Do note that these are not guaranteed to increase your click-through ratios and they will not bring good karma to you or your ads.. If only.. Nonetheless, these tips should benefit your blog and make it more user-friendly, more easily accessible, and more content-enabled.There are many types of blogs or purposes for blogs and a certain number of tactics are applicable to just about all of them, so here is a -short- list of tips for marketing and optimizing a blog:
1. Decide on a stand alone domain name or directory of existing site Sub domain is also an option Avoid hosted services that do not allow you to use your own domain name!
2. Obtain and install customizable blog software - WordPress and Moveable Type are my favorites.
3. Customize blog look and feel templates - aka design.
4. Research keywords and develop a glossary - Keyword Discovery, WordTracker, SitePoint, SEOBook Keyword Research.
5. Optimize the blog:Template optimization - RSS subscription options, social bookmark links, HTML code, Unique title tags, URLs, SitemapAdd helper plugins specific to WordPress or MTCreate keyword rich categories (reference your keyword glossary)
6. Enable automatic trackback and ping functionality.
7. Create Feedburner Pro account and enable feed tracking.
8. Setup Google acount for Sitemap, validate and prep for future submission.
9. Identify authoritative blogs, web sites and hubs for outbound resource links and blogroll.
10. Format archived posts, related posts.
11. Enable statistics for tracking - Performancing, Google Analytics, ClickTracks.
12. Submit RSS feed and Blog URL to prominent RSS and Blog directories / search engines.
13. Engage in an ongoing link building campaign.
14. If podcast or video content are available, submit to Podcast and Vlog directories.
15. Submit blog url to paid directories with categories for blogs - Yahoo, BOTW, bCentral, WOW, JoeAnt.
16. Optimize and distribute a press release announcing blog.
17. Request feedback or reviews of your blog in relevant forums, discussion threads. If you have a resourceful post that will help others, point to it.
18. Research and comment on relevant industry related blogs and blogs with significant centers of influence.
19. Post regularly. If it’s a news oriented blog, 3-5 times per day. If it’s an authoritative blog, 3-5 times per week, but each post must be unique and high value.
20. Monitor inbound links, traffic, comments and mentions of your blog - Google Alerts, Technorati, Blogpulse, Yahoo News, Ask Blogs and Feeds.
21. Always respond to comments on your blog and when you detect a mention of your blog on another blog, thank that blogger in the comments of the post.
22. Make contact with related bloggers on AND offline if possible.
23. When making blog posts always cite the source with a link and don’t be afraid to mention popular bloggers by name. Use keywords in the blog post title, in the body of the post and use anchor text when you link to previous posts you’ve made.
24. Use social networking services (like MySpace Marketing), forums and discussion threads to connect with other bloggers. If they like your stuff, they will link to you.
25. Remember when web sites were a new concept and the sage advice to print your web address everywhere you print your phone number? The same advice applies for your blog.
These tips are tried and true, so give 'em a shot!
More marketing blogs can be found at the Free Stuff and Marketing Blog or you can check out MySpace Marketing tips. Article written by
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Where Do I Blog Now That I Know What Blogging Is?

What is social networking doing in the marketing world? Social Networking on sites such as Myspace, FaceBook and Multiply were originally intended as a way for us to network with friends, create new ones and catch up with old ones. So why all the fuss in the marketing world over it? Social Networking has become a valuable marketing tool for any business whether marketing a product or service. Here are some tips that should be followed in order to get the most out of your marketing opportunities in this venue. !br>A. ProfileMany business ventures that attempt to go into the social networking sites do not take the time to fill out a profile. This is a huge mistake. Profiles are one the best ways to introduce yourself or your company to the world. It is important to include links to your website for further information but just as important is a short bio listed here. Tell potential clients about you and your company. Make them feel as though they know you as a friend. Why? To become for example "The source you can trust" you must build that trust somewhere. B. Allow everyone who requests to be added to your network be added. You never know where your next client may come from. It is sort of like when a consumer walks into a brick and mortar store and they bring a friend who brings a friend who brings a friend. You get the idea. C. Comments - allow both those on your list and those just visiting to leave comments. Even more important, every time someone leaves you a comment, reply. This builds communication between yourself and your consumers. Again building trust. D. Blogs - This is a great way for you to self promote your service or product. The key here is not to use it as an advertisement. Let`s say that you sell strawberries. A great blog would be recipes that use strawberries. Your signature box will one more time have your website address on it so they will know where to go buy the strawberries. Let`s say your service is writing business plans. Why not write a blog on the importance of competitive analysis. Blogging is a free way to draw attention to your clients. By ensuring that key words are inserted into your blogs, they will become search able by potential consumers. E. Groups and Forums - Every social networking site has a group or forum section on it. Join the groups or forums that are relative to your product or service. Post intelligently in either of these and often. See how quickly you will become an authority in your field. The person whom people look to as "a source they can trust". A few key reminders:Write intelligently Include keywords in all content to ensure search engines will find you Update daily or at very least weekly to keep your name fresh Be sure your web site link is in all signature boxes Happy networking. By: AshiraEdited By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:Ashira is a Free Lance Writer registered with the Florida Free Lance Writers and wrote this article for, an online resource that allows businesses and individuals to post their products and services for sale on over 20,000 blogs.Ashira can be contacted at or visit her at
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How Much Money You Can Make From Blog Marketing

The amount of money you can make from blog marketing is actually determined by you. You decide how much work and effort you want to put into your blog, and therefore in charge of how much money you can earn from your blog. And of course, the more you work on your blog, the more money you can possibly earn. Blog marketing basically involved 3 steps. First you set up a blog to talk about your favorite topic, update your blog with quality content and then promote it so that people who are interested to your content can find it and read it.The great things about blog marketing are you don't need a lot of money to start and operate a blog; and the income potential of blog marketing is pretty high. The more you market and promote your blog, the more visitors you'll get and the better your chances of making more money from blogging. Lets say you already created a blog. You are promoting some affiliate products through your blog and making a nice little effortless income. Well you want your blog to generate more income. What will you do? You put more effort on blog promotion to get more people to visit your blog. Maybe you can start spending money to get your blog listed in paid blog directories and pay-per-click (PPC) search engines. Investing part of the money you earned is a great idea, especially if you want to boost your blog revenue. However, there are also a number of free methods and techniques you can use to promote and market your blog. Blog owners generally have a comment section that allows visitors to leave a comment on every blog post they have published in their blog. The comment section can be a great tool to get free visitors for your blog. For example, lets take a topic like sport cars. You own a blog that talks about sport cars, and you want people to visit your blog. Well, the first thing you need to do is to find several popular blogs that are about sport cars from search engines and social bookmarking sites. Once you have found them, you can start posting comment on a regular basis. Leaving quality comments with a link back to your blog will give those visitors that read the popular sport car blogs a way to get to yours. If they like your blog posts, they may even bookmark it and come back to your blog often to read your latest blog entry. One thing that is important to your blog marketing success is content updating. You should update your blog with new and unique content on a regular basis. Doing so will attract your visitors keep coming back to your blog and allow your readers who have subscribed to your blog feed know when they can visit your blog again for new content. Let them know how often you update your blog, and stick to it. If you promise your readers you will be publishing a new article every two day, do so. Or you might be ending up with readers that will not follow you because they can not rely on you to give the content that they are searching for; new fresh content.When you are making money online using blog marketing, the sky is the limit. The revenue you can earn is solely decided by you. The more time, effort and patience you willing to put into your blog marketing business, the more money you will make from it.Whether you are blogging about your favorite things, or someone else’s, do it with a passion for the best results.
Alan Liew is a self-employed e-entrepreneur that has working on Internet marketing industry for more than a year. He has set up a website called for people to learn how to make money online. He also set up a blog to record down the latest free resources to earn money online.
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